We’ve got your booking and we’re preparing for the event now!
You’ll receive confirmation for your booking shortly via email, if you don’t please click this link and press Lost your e-ticket and another one shall be emailed to you.
If you do have any questions that you can’t see below please contact us
What do I need on the day?
Teams must carry appropriate equipment suitable for a half day walk including OS Explorer map 287 (West Pennine Moors), a compass, a first aid kit, emergency food, spare warm clothes and the mobile phone specified on the entry form. Normal Scout rules apply for walking in terrain 0.
All individual team members must carry or wear appropriate equipment suitable for a half day walk including suitable off road walking footwear (not trainers), water and waterproof clothing.
How many can be in a team?
Min 4 / max 7 Scouts in any group (not including their leader)
What is Rule 12?
The War Room/Organising Committee’s word is final – except in the event of an Alien Invasion, authority is delegated to the nearest sheep.
How Much is it?
£3 entry fee per person (excluding leaders you can come for free!)
How do I register
Teams must pre-register via our website and confirm details on the day at the start location.
£3 entry fee per team member (excluding leaders)
Book by clicking the registration button in the top right hand corner
What Time does the event Start and Finish
Start and Finish:
Start: 9:00am – Pack Horse pub car park, Watling Street, Affetside, BL8 3QW (SD 755 136)
Finish: 12:30pm – Car park on Lumb Carr Road, just south of Holcombe Village (SD 781 162)