
Escaping Rammy

Start and Finish:
Start: 9:00am – Pack Horse pub car park, Watling Street, Affetside, BL8 3QW
Finish: 12:30pm – Surprise!!

This gives a walking distance of around 5km taking the most direct route, and around 6-8km assuming some deviation to avoid being caught. Please bear this in mind along with the abilities of the group when planning your route.

Teams must pre-register via our website and confirm details on the day at the start location.
Min 4 / max 7 Scouts in any group (not including their leader)
9:00am to be ready for a 9:30am start. Teams must pre register online prior to registration:

Completed entry form
Emergency contact details for all team members
£3 entry fee per team member (excluding leaders)


  1. Rules and Event Regulations
  2. Teams must remain together at all times and navigate from start to finish whilst attempting to avoid being caught by the catching teams.
  3. Teams must carry appropriate equipment suitable for a half day walk including OS Explorer map 287 (West Pennine Moors), a compass, a first aid kit, emergency food, spare warm clothes and the mobile phone specified on the entry form. Normal Scout rules apply for walking in terrain 0.
  4. All individual team members must carry or wear appropriate equipment suitable for a half day walk including suitable off road walking footwear (not trainers), water and waterproof clothing.
  5. Teams can follow any route but must stay on marked footpaths, bridleways and other rights of way including minor and residential roads. Main roads should be avoided other than for crossing. No entry on to any private land, including team members houses, or houses belonging to any friend, relative or other associate of any team member! Teams may not accept lifts or get the bus.  
  6. A team loses a life when they are “caught” by a catcher. A team is caught when the rucksack/shoulder/back of ANY team member is touched by a catcher.
  7. All team members must wear a necker at all times so that they can be identified by catchers. Catchers will be identifiable either by wearing neckers.
  8. Each team will be given a life card with 10 lives. When a team is caught they must hand the life card over to the catching team to scan If the team fails to hand over the life card or runs away upon being caught, this will be reported and 5 lives will be deducted.
  9. When a team has been caught, they cannot be caught again by any catching team for 15 minutes. The catcher will walk away and not follow the team. The time of the catch will be recorded on the life card.
  10. Teams cannot be caught in the first 15 minutes or in the final 15 minute finishing window.
  11. Teams must be at the finish between 12:15pm and 12:30 noon. Teams that fail to finish before the end of this finishing window will be disqualified. Teams cannot be caught after 12:15pm. Teams arriving at the finish before 12:15pm may still be caught.
  12. The winning team is the team which has the most lives remaining at the end of the event, having finished within the finishing window. If this is a tie, then the team that went the longest time without being caught will be the winner. If this is a tie, then the team finishing first will be the winner.
  13. The War Room/Organising Committee’s word is final – except in the event of an Alien Invasion, authority is delegated to the nearest sheep.